.angel aloysius hartley.

{this is the story of a baby boy who was born through miscarriage}

Written by his mother, Christina Hartley

'I'll never forget the day we found out we were pregnant on May.14,2013... it was the Monday after Mother's day last year. Charity was only 6 months old. My hubby & I were excited with joy when we saw the two positive lines... we rushed to buy Charity a Big Sister t-shirt to announce it to my family. They were so happy for us. I was so excited to see our baby the following month at the first ultrasound. But our baby could not be found on the ultrasound & I was told I miscarried. Yet to make sure they sent me to radiology. I couldn't believe it, my hubby & I cried together. ..it was the first time I ever saw him cry sad tears. We couldn't believe this was happening to us. But the next morning my doctor called telling me that the radiology ultrasound had found my baby with a heart beat! My baby was alive but the reason they were unable to detect him before was because I was hemorrhaging... then I was given the news that it was unlikely my baby would survive it.  Two weeks later my hope was taken when our little Angel had no longer a beating heart.... I was not bleeding yet...but it would pass. The only regret I have is not seeing our baby's heart beat on the ultrasound. If I could have seen him alive for a second I would have loved that. June.18th 2013 was the saddest day in my mommy life!! I am glad I passed my 6-7weeks baby at home on (June.24th) so I could hold my baby & grieve as much as I needed. We ordered online a small 5" beautiful casket made from Heaven's Gain. I wanted to choose St.Aloysius (his feast day was June.21st) as our baby's patron because he was one of the purest saints known to be more like the angels than that of earth  July.8th we buried our baby, it was a sad yet special day to have the priest give a beautiful blessing with our close families surrounding us. 

I will never forget my Angel Aloysius baby... 
I have yet to meet him and it will be a beautiful day! 
Love mommy, Christina Hartley'

R.I.P. Angel Aloysius

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